Sunday, October 07, 2007


Day 2 of the new dietary regime

1,600 cals today

Sausage sandwich
Sirloin steak and chips
3 coffees
Litre of Pepsi Max at the cinema
Quarter of a Gü bombe au chocolat (I blame Sue)
5 half-cobs of sweetcorn.

The last one is a tricky one to work out. The packet says there are 116 calories per 100g (almost one half-cob). Does this mean per 100g of half-cob which only offers about 35g of edible?
Tinned sweetcorn is about the same calorie content so the packet must be talking about the edible portion which you can't weigh until after you've eaten it :-)
So 5 half-cobs is 200g of sweetcorn and therefore 230 calories.

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