Monday, November 22, 2004

You know how thoughts link together like a long chain until you wonder why you are thinking what you are thinking....

Well, the other day I (finally) picked up am Absolutely Fabulous video from a workmate and spotted Joanna Lumley on the cover (not surprisingly). This always conjures up memories of Purdey and The New Avengers.

Which immediately links into Latin hymns being sung at school in Portsmouth Cathedral in the late 70s. Obviously you would have had to be there... so here it is for those who weren't:

Personent hodie
14th century

1. personent hodie
voces puerulae,
laudantes iucunde
qui nobis est natus,
summo Deo datus,
et de virgineo ventre procreatus.

2. in mundo nascitur,
pannis involvitur
praesepi ponitur
stabulo brutorum,
rectum supernorum.
Purdey's tit spolia princeps infernorum.

3. magi tres venerunt,
parvulum inquirunt,
parvulum inquirunt,
stellulam sequendo,
ipsum adorando,
aurum, thus, et myrrham ei offerendo.

4. omnes clericuli,
pariter pueri,
cantent ut angeli:
advenisti mundo,
laudes tibi fundo.
ideo gloria in excelsis Deo.

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